DVD PAL - Spirit and Matter - How to harmonize them within us

DVD PAL - Spirit and Matter - How to harmonize them within us


Video lecture in French - Subtitles in 12 languages - DVD PAL - Length: 80’

  Français Deutsch Nederlands

'It is a mistake to think that spirit and matter are in opposition, for matter is a condensation of spirit. And on this matter which came from it, spirit works to bring forth innumerable forms of life. Spirit and matter are two aspects of God himself. Matter is as sacred and holy as spirit because it is the daughter of spirit.'

Subtitles in 12 languages
Български / Češtině / Deutsch / English / Español / French / Italiano / Nederlands / Polski / Português / Русский / Română

  • The New Year
  • Death and the Life Beyond
  • Harmony
  • Cosmic Moral Law
  • A New Earth - Methods, exercises, formulas, prayers
  • Love and Sexuality - Part 1
  • Know Thyself:  Jnana Yoga - Part 1
  • The Fruits of the Tree of Life - The Cabbalistic Tradition
  • The Zodiac, Key to Man and to the Universe

Syntaxes de recherche sur les pensées

Mot1 Mot2 : recherche sur au moins un des deux mots.
+Mot1 +Mot2 : recherche sur les 2 mots.
"Mot1 Mot2" : recherche sur l'expression  entre " " .
Mot1* : recherche sur le début du mot, quelle que soit la fin du mot.
-Mot : le mot derrière -  est exclu de la recherche.