Circle, triangle, pentagram, pyramid, cross, etc. Each geometric figure is like a structure from which the macrocosm (the universe) and the microcosm (the human being) are organized.
'Geometrical figures are, as it were, the framework or skeleton of reality but although they are reduced to the bare bones they are by no means dead, for they represent living realities in man and the universe. And this is why, in order to interpret them, we have to breathe the life of the spirit into them: they will mean nothing to us if we are content to study them only as they occur outside ourselves.'
1 - Geometrical Symbolism
2 - The Circle
3 - The Triangle
4 - The Pentagram
5 - The Pyramid
6 - The Cross
7 - The Quadrature of the Circle
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Understanding the framework of reality.
Circle, triangle, pentagram, pyramid, cross, etc. Each geometric figure is like a structure from which the macrocosm (the universe) and the microcosm (the human being) are organized.