Cosmic Creation - Union of the Masculine and Feminine
Understanding and joining our Higher Self.
We all possess a soul mate that we more or less consciously seek outside of ourselves. However, Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov enlightens us on its real nature: this complementarity is within us and corresponds to the "divine" principle of our being, what the author calls the superior soul or the superior Self. Becoming aware of it and working towards its realization through meditation and contemplation will enable us to understand ourselves better and to establish lasting, enlightened and soothing relationships not only with the other person but also with the whole of creation.
‘There are two fundamental principles in the universe, and these are reflected in all of nature and all of life. All creation is the work of the two principles, the masculine and the feminine, which are a reflection, a repetition, of the two cosmic creative principles, known as the heavenly Father and the divine Mother. You will see the two principles everywhere in nature in different forms and dimensions. You will also see them in humans, not only in their physical body but in their psyche, where the spirit and the mind represent the masculine principle, and the heart and soul the feminine principle. In order to bear fruit, these two principles must of necessity work together; separately they are unproductive. That is why they are always searching for each other.’
1. Man and woman, reflections of the masculine and feminine principles
2. What is spiritual galvanoplasty?
3. Marriages
4. Loving without wanting to possess
5. Expressing love in a higher way
6. Only divine love preserves human love
7. The sexual act from the perspective of Initiatic Science
8. The solar nature of sexual energy
9. Conception
10. Gestation
11. The children of our heart and mind
12. Giving woman back her true place
13. The kingdom of God, child of the cosmic Woman
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Understanding and joining our Higher Self.
We all possess a soul mate that we more or less consciously seek outside of ourselves. However, Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov enlightens us on its real nature: this complementarity is within us and corresponds to the "divine" principle of our being, what the author calls the superior soul or the superior Self. Becoming aware of it and working towards its realization through meditation and contemplation will enable us to understand ourselves better and to establish lasting, enlightened and soothing relationships not only with the other person but also with the whole of creation.