‘When Jesus said to his disciples: “If you have the faith of the mustard seed, you will say to this mountain: Move from here to there, and it will move”, obviously this mountain is symbolic. The mountain represents the great difficulties of life that faith alone allows us to move, that is to say to resolve. In one year, two years, ten years, stone by stone, we will succeed in moving mountains. You think that this is a long time and you would like it to be done immediately. Then, in that case, copy the ants which manage in very little time to move great heaps of seeds, proportionally they represent mountains for them! Yes, but an ant does not work alone, there are multitudes of them working together.
In isolation and egotism, we will never move mountains. If great things have been achieved throughout history, it is because humans were united in working together.
Moving mountains means to remove in ourselves and in the world the obstacles which oppose the coming of the Kingdom of God. This is possible only if all spiritual people unite in faith and love to undertake a great work of light and peace; they will obtain many more results and the link created between them will be more powerful.’
1. ‘Eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God!’
2. The white stone
3. ‘The one on the housetop…’
4. ‘Take up your cross, and follow me’
5. The Spirit of truth
6. The three great temptations
7. Children and the elderly
8. ‘May you be cold or hot’
9. ‘It is good to praise the Lord...’
10. The mustard seed
11. The tree on the river
12. ‘Grow and multiply’
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