'The Sephirotic Tree, the Tree of Life of the Cabbalah, is an image of the universe, inhabited by God and impregnated with His quintessence. It represents the divine life which circulates throughout the whole of creation. Here is a system which prevents you from becoming dispersed in your spiritual activities. If you work for years on this Tree, if you study it, if you taste its fruit, you will create stability within yourself and harmony in the cosmos.'
1 - How to Approach the Study of the Cabbalah
2 - The Number Ten and the Ten Sephiroth
3 - Structure and Symbols of the Tree of Life
4 - The Tetragrammaton and the Seventy-Two Planetary Spirits
5 - The Creation of the World and the Theory of Emanation
6 - The Fall and Redemption of Man
7 - The Four Elements
8 - Evening Vigils Round the Fire I - The Power of Fire
II - Fire and the Sun
III - The Fire of Sacrifice
9 - Water and Fire
10 - A Bowl of Water
11 - The Living Logos I - The Alphabet and the Twenty-Two Elements of the Logos
II - The Universal Language of the Logos
III - The Power of the Logos
12 - The Esoteric Church of Saint John
13 - Binah, the Realm of Stability
14 - The Human Spirit is Above Fate
15 - Death and the Life Beyond
16 - Human and Cosmic Respiration
17 - The Cardinal Feasts
18 - The Moon and its Influence on Man
19 - The Glorified Souls
20 - The Land of the Living
21 - A Magic Wand
22 - Nature Spirits
23 - Objects are Receptacles of Life
24 - The Holy Grail
25 - Building the Inner Sanctuary
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