Daily meditations 2006

Daily meditations 2006


400 pages

  Français Italiano Español Nederlands

30 April
In the morning, when you open your window or leave your house, you see the sky and the sun. Try to look at them as if for the first time, and you will discover an entire, subtle life that until now has escaped your notice, because you have allowed an opaque screen to come between you and reality. Only by ridding yourself of this screen will you have a true understanding of things.
True understanding is like a spring, always refreshed, always renewed and enchanted. True knowledge is always full of wonder. You must not be content to cultivate this attitude towards nature alone, but towards human beings as well, for not only will you make unimagined discoveries, but you will become far more attractive and interesting to others.

  • Death and the Life Beyond
  • The High Ideal
  • Sunrise Meditations
  • A New Earth - Methods, exercises, formulas, prayers

Syntax der Gedankenforschung

Wort1 Wort2: Suchen Sie nach mindestens einem der beiden Wörter.
+Wort1 +Wort2: Suche nach den 2 Wörtern.
"Wort1 Wort2": Suche nach dem Ausdruck zwischen "".
Wort1*: Suche am Wortanfang, unabhängig vom Wortende.
-Wort: das Wort dahinter - wird von der Suche ausgeschlossen.